Principal Investicator
Dr Alan Kwok-shing CHIANG
BSc(St. Andrews), MBChB(Manc), PhD(HK), FHKAM, FRCPCH, FRCP(Edin, Glasg, Lond)
Clinical Associate Professor
Paediatric haematology and oncology;
Epstein-Barr virus biology and associated diseases among paediatric and adolescent patients
Research Fellows
Kwai Fung Hui
Induction of EBV lytic cycle and its cellular consequences in EBV positive Epithelial malignancies.
Hin Kwok
PhD graduate
Sequence analysis of EBV genomes in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Graduate Students
Yeung Po Ling
Mphil Candidate
Counteracting the anti-apoptotic mechanism of EBNA-3 proteins in B cells
Aikha Melissa Go Wong
Mphil Candidate
Longitudinal study of the development of EBV-specific polyfunctional T cells in PTLD patients.
Leung Yuen Ying
Mphil graduate
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Xuequn XU
PhD graduate
Longitudinal Study of EBV specific CD8+ T lymphocyte development in primary EBV infection.
Master of Medical Research
Raymond Jia Ning
PhD graduate
EBV specific polyfunctional T cell responses in long term carriers and patients with IM and HLH.
Dona Ho
PhD Graduate